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Restoration and improvement


Bearing revitalization, scoring elimination, radial play improvement. Self-regulating ceramic-metal coating.

New bearings from the same batch and with the same factory markings were selected as test objects. Before the experiment began, the radial play of the bearings was measured: it was 0.049 mm for sample No. 1 and 0.042 mm for sample No. 2 (values within tolerances).
To simulate defects that may occur during operation, scratches were made on the bearing raceways with an engraving cutter. In actual operation, such scratches can lead to premature wear and failure over time. The samples were mounted on a special machine that applied a radial load of approximately 8,000 N to each bearing at a speed of approximately 1,000 rpm. The temperature of the bearings was continuously monitored during machine operation to ensure that they did not overheat. After 5 hours of operation, the bearings were inspected to determine their condition. Each bearing was visually inspected for scoring and pitting, and the radial play was measured.

In sample No. 1, XADO PRO MAX Grease with REVITALIZANT was used, and in sample No. 2, the standard grease recommended by the manufacturer was used.

Универсальная литиевая смазка с высоким содержанием присадки Ревитализанта ХАДО
Подшипники всех типов в которых используются консистентные смазки с присадкой Ревитализант ХАД�О

The experiment was conducted to demonstrate the process and results of REVITALIZATION, and included measuring radial play during operation under load as well as applying defects to the bearing raceways and then periodically monitoring their condition.

Sample No. 2

Due to the previously applied defect, the surface has begun to deteriorate under load, and scratches and small pits are visible.
The radial play is 0.601 mm (increased by 18 µm). The inspection and measurement results show a significant improvement in the characteristics of the bearing that worked with the use of XADO PRO MAX Grease.

Sample No. 1

Visual inspection of bearing No. 1 shows that the defects applied to the raceways are visible but no longer perceptible to the touch. The bearing surface is filled with vitreous material, which is a ceramic-metal coating formed by the action of REVITALIZANT in the grease. The radial play of bearing No. 1 has been reduced from 0.049 mm to 0.04 mm, i.e., by 9 µm.

Подшипники которые учавствовали в тесте смазки с присадкой Ревитализант ХАДО
Comparison of results. Visual inspection and radial play measurement


The experiment showed that XADO PRO MAX Grease with REVITALIZANT has pronounced protective properties. It promotes the formation of a ceramic-metal coating on bearing friction surfaces, which significantly reduces radial play and increases bearing life and reliability.

Continuation of the experiment with sample No. 1 showed that the radial play of the bearing continued to decrease. After 26 hours of operation, it was 0.036 mm, and after 127 hours, it was 0.038 mm. This indicates that the system has reached a state of self-regulation. As the thickness of the ceramic-metal protective coating increased, the radial play decreased significantly, the initial defect disappeared completely, and the coating growth stopped at an optimal value when local superloads are minimal.

127 hours

26 hours

5 hours


Подшипник №1 после 127 часов обработки смазкой с присадкой Ревитализант ХАДО


Подшипник №1 после 26 часов обработки смазкой с присадкой Ревитализант ХАДО


Подшипник №1 после 5 часов обработки смазкой с присадкой Ревитализант ХАДО
Восстановленная поверхность беговой дорожки подшипника с металокерамическим покрытием, после применения присадки Ревитализант ХАДО


Подшипник №1 до обработки
Поверхность с нанесенным дефектом на беговой дорожке подшипника до восстановления смазкой с присадкой Ревитализант ХАДО






Sample No. 1, XADO PRO MAX

Подшипник №2 после 5 часов работы со штатной смазкой


Подшипник №2 до обработки




Sample No. 2, regular grease

It’s better to see for yourself!

Order a sample bearing after REVITALIZATION, see how the technology works, participate in the “It’s Better to See for Yourself” campaign.
Подшипник для тестовой обработки присадкой Ревитализантом ХАДО. С  металокерамической поверхностью на беговой дорожке в результате Ревитализации.

The marking on the bearing pad is laser etched to a depth of 18–20 µm.

24 hours under load, XADO PRO MAX Grease


The surface is completely smooth with no cavities. The entire raceway is filled with vitreous material.

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